all postcodes in GU21 / WOKING

find any address or company within the GU21 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU21 4AA 11 5 51.32227 -0.558319
GU21 4AB 17 1 51.322871 -0.558931
GU21 4AE 22 2 51.323057 -0.557964
GU21 4AF 24 0 51.323638 -0.55629
GU21 4AJ 28 0 51.32383 -0.557925
GU21 4AL 16 4 51.323179 -0.55984
GU21 4AN 12 0 51.323974 -0.56158
GU21 4AP 25 0 51.323036 -0.561337
GU21 4AQ 16 0 51.323081 -0.560661
GU21 4AS 6 1 51.324783 -0.560823
GU21 4AT 4 0 51.325029 -0.559639
GU21 4AU 13 0 51.324635 -0.561933
GU21 4AW 8 0 51.324294 -0.561255
GU21 4AX 43 0 51.325242 -0.562301
GU21 4AY 12 0 51.326353 -0.563458
GU21 4AZ 8 0 51.327549 -0.56421
GU21 4BA 21 0 51.328741 -0.566828
GU21 4BB 9 0 51.328371 -0.567414
GU21 4BD 26 0 51.32991 -0.56906
GU21 4BE 18 0 51.329956 -0.567594